Ingredients: 2 अमरुद – (पका हुआ) काट ले,1/2 छोटा चमच्च राइ,1 छोटा चमच्च हींग,1 छोटा चमच्च लाल मिर्च पाउडर,1 छोटा चमच्च धनिया पाउडर,1 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,1 बड़ा चमच्च गुड़ – पाउडर कर ले,नमक – स्वाद अनुसार,तेल – प्रयोग अनुसार
Time in minutes: 45 Servings: 4 Course: Lunch Diet: Vegetarian
Instructions: To make guava ni curry, first heat oil in a pressure cooker. Add mustard seeds and asafoetida to it. After 10 seconds, add chopped guava, all spices and 1 cup of water. Add salt and close the cooker. Cook until 3 cities come and then let the pressure drain automatically. Your Guava Nee Curry is ready to be said. Serve Amarud Ni Curry with Tawa Paratha and Bundi Raita for your dinner.