Ingredients: 1/2 किलो गोभी – छोटे टुकड़ो में काट ले,2 आलू,1 कप हरा मटर,2 छोटा चमच्च लाल मिर्च पाउडर,1 बड़ा चमच्च धनिया पाउडर,1 बड़ा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,2 बड़ा चमच्च प्याज – बारीक काट ले,1 छोटा चमच्च अदरक – बारीक काट ले,1 छोटा चमच्च मेथी के दाने,1 टहनी हरा धनिया – गार्निश के लिए,तेल – प्रयोग अनुसार,नमक – स्वाद अनुसार
Time in minutes: 50 Servings: 4 Course: Lunch Diet: Vegetarian
Instructions: To make potato cabbage pea vegetable, first soak the cabbage in hot water. Add salt to it, mix and cover and keep it aside for 10 minutes. Now peel the potatoes. Wash and cut them and soak them in cold water. Now heat oil in a pan. Add fenugreek seeds in it and after 10 seconds add ginger and onion. Cook till the onion becomes soft and then add cabbage, potatoes and peas. Mix, cover the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, add red chili powder, coriander powder, salt and mix. Mix everything well and cover it and let it cook for 6 minutes. Serve Aloo Cauliflower Peas with Dal Tadka, Kachumbar Salad and Phulka for the day’s dinner.