Ingredients: 1 लौकी – छीलकर काट ले,2 गाजर – काट ले,1 इंच अदरक – बारीक काट ले,1 टहनी पुदीना,1 छोटा चम्मच निम्बू का रस,नमक – चुटकी भर,शहद  – वैकल्पिक

Time in minutes: 20 Servings: 4 Course: Snack Diet: Diabetic Friendly

Instructions: To make carrot gourd juice recipe, firstly add gourd, carrot, mint, lemon juice, salt, honey, 1 cup of water and puree in a blender. Take out in a bowl, add 2 cups of water to it and mix it well. Add salt and mix. Serve. Serve the carrot gourd juice recipe with gleppino scrambled egg and bread toast for breakfast.