Ingredients: 2 बैंगन – लम्बा काट ले,1 शिमला मिर्च (हरी) – काट ले,5 लहसुन – बारीक काट ले,1/2 बड़ा चमच्च हींग,2 हरी मिर्च – काट ले,1 टमाटर – काट ले,1 बड़ा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,1 बड़ा चमच्च लाल मिर्च पाउडर,1/2 बड़ा चमच्च धनिया पाउडर,1/2 बड़ा चमच्च गरम मसाला पाउडर,नमक – स्वाद अनुसार,हरा धनिया – काट ले,तेल – प्रयोग अनुसार
Time in minutes: 25 Servings: 4 Course: Lunch Diet: Vegetarian
Instructions: To make the eggplant and capsicum vegetable, first heat the oil in a pan. Now add garlic and asafoetida and cook for 10 seconds. Add brinjal and capsicum to it after 10 seconds. Cook 2 and then add all the spices. Cook for 2 to 4 minutes and then add tomatoes. Cook until the vegetables are soft. After softening, add salt as per taste, cook for 1 minute and garnish with green coriander. Serve the Brinjal and Capsicum Sabzi along with Panchamel Dal, Bundi Raita and Tawa Paratha for dinner.
About The Author: Admin
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