#1434 – Mustard Egg Curry Recipe (Recipe In Hindi)


Ingredients: 4 अंडे – उबालकर बिच में से काट ले,1-1/2 बड़ा चमच्च राइ – 1 छोटा चमच्च राइ अलग से,1 छोटा चमच्च पंच फोरन मसाला,4 हरी मिर्च,1/4 कप नारियल – कसा हुआ,1 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,200 ग्राम्स नारियल का दूध,1 प्याज – काटा हुआ,1 बड़ा चमच्च तेल,नमक – स्वाद अनुसार,1/4 छोटा चमच्च शक्कर,3 कढ़ी पत्ता

Time in minutes: 75 Servings: 4 Course: Lunch Diet: Eggetarian

Instructions: To make mustard egg curry, first grind the mustard seeds in a mixer with green chillies, coconut, turmeric powder and coconut milk. Now heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds and let it cook for 10 seconds. Then add curry leaves and onions. Cook the onion until it becomes soft and then add ground masala, five fern masala, 1/4 cup water and mix it well. Allow it to boil and after that add the remaining coconut milk, salt, sugar and mix it well. After boiling, add boiled eggs and cook for 5 to 7 minutes and serve again. Serve the mustard egg curry hot with rice or laccha paratha.

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