Ingredients: 200 ग्राम छोटे प्याज,2 टहनी कढ़ी पत्ता,2 कप इमली का पानी,1/2 छोटा चमच्च राइ,1/4 छोटा चमच्च हींग,1/4 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,3 बड़े चमच्च तेल,नमक – स्वाद अनुसार,1 बड़े चमच्च धनिये के बीज,1/2 छोटा चमच्च जीरा,6 सुखी लाल मिर्च,1 कप नारियल – कस ले
Time in minutes: 35 Servings: 2 Course: Side Dish Diet: Vegetarian
Instructions: To make Kerala Style Ulli Thial recipe, first heat a small pan. Add coriander seeds, cumin seeds, dry red chillies, coconut and cook until the coconut is golden brown. Cool and add a little water to make a paste. Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds and let it splutter. After tempering, add curry leaves and small onions. Cook onion until it becomes soft and golden. This will take at least 10 minutes. After the onion is cooked, add tamarind water, asafoetida, turmeric powder, salt and coconut paste. Mix well and let it cook for 10 minutes on low heat. Turn off the gas after 10 minutes and drain in a bowl. Serve Kerala Style Ulli Thial with rice, Chow Chow Thoran and Papad for dinner.
About The Author: Admin
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