Ingredients: 1 कप मूंगफली – उबाल ले,1/2 छोटा चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर,1 टमाटर – बारीक काट ले,1 ककड़ी – बारीक काट ले,1 हरी मिर्च – कस ले,2 बड़े चम्मच निम्बू का रस,1 छोटा चम्मच चाट मसाला पाउडर,1/2 छोटा चम्मच जीरा पाउडर,1 छोटा चम्मच शक्कर,1/2 छोटा चम्मच नमक,1 कप दही,1/2 छोटा चम्मच काली मिर्च पाउडर,1/4 छोटा चम्मच नमक,1/2 छोटा चम्मच मिक्स्ड हर्ब्स
Time in minutes: 40 Servings: 2 Course: Snack Diet: High Protein Vegetarian
Instructions: To make Dahi Peanut Chaat Recipe, we will first make the Dahi Dressing. In a bowl, add curd, black pepper powder, salt, mixed herbs and mix well. Keep this bowl in the fridge for 1/2 hour. In the second bowl, add peanuts, turmeric powder, tomatoes, cucumber, salt, green chillies, chaat masala, cumin powder, sugar, lemon juice and mix well. . Now pour yogurt in a bowl, pour peanut mixture over it and serve. Serve the yogurt peanut chaat recipe with spinach dal, bhindi masala and phulka. You can also serve it with your evening masala tea.