Ingredients: 1-1/2 कप पोहा,2 आलू – उबले,1/4 कप हरा मटर – भाप ले,1/2 छोटा चमच्च राइ,1/2 छोटा चमच्च जीरा,6 कढ़ी पत्ता – बारीक काट ले,1 प्याज – बारीक काट ले,2 हरी मिर्च – काट ले,1 छोटा चमच्च अदरक – बारीक कस ले,1/2 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,1/4 छोटा चमच्च हींग,2 छोटा चमच्च शक्कर,1 निम्बू – रस,1 बड़ा चमच्च मूंगफली,2 बड़े चमच्च तेल,2 बड़े चमच्च हरा धनिया – बारीक काट ले,3/4 कप अनार – गार्निश के लिए,नमक – स्वाद अनुसार,1/2 कप स्वीट कॉर्न – भाप ले,1/2 कप अंकुरित दाल – मूंग
Time in minutes: 50 Servings: 4 Course: Indian Breakfast Diet: Vegetarian
Instructions: To make Aloo Poha, first wash the Fe under cold water and drain the water from it. Transfer the washed pohe to a bowl. Add salt, turmeric powder, sugar and asafoetida to it. Mix and keep aside. Now heat oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds and let it cook for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, add onion, curry leaves, ginger, green chillies and cook till the onion becomes soft. After it becomes soft, add potatoes and let it cook for 2 minutes. Add poha after 2 minutes. Sprinkle some water and mix well. Reduce the flame, cover the pan and let it cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Turn off the gas after 5 minutes and add lemon, steamed peas, cooked peanuts and green coriander. Mix and keep aside for 1 minute. After 1 minute, add pomegranate seeds and serve hot. Serve Aloo Poha with filter coffee and fruits for breakfast.