Ingredients: पालक – प्रयोग अनुसार,1 केला,2 संतरा,2-3 ब्लैकबेरी – कोई भी बेरी,1 छोटा चम्मच शहद – या स्वाद अनुसार,1-1/2 कप नारियल का दूध
Time in minutes: 25 Servings: 2 Course: Snack Diet: Vegan
Instructions: To make the Banana Orange and Spinach Smoothie recipe, first wash and chop the spinach thoroughly. Peel the oranges and bananas. Now add orange, banana, spinach, blackberry, honey, coconut milk in a blender and grind it well. Now put it in the fridge and let it cool for a while. Serve Serve Banana Orange and Spinach Smoothie Recipe with Scrambled Eggs and Bread Toast for breakfast.